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Little Big Hornes Trimmed In Lace

Lacey is such a sweet horse. She loves to visit and is always one of the

first to come up to you. Lacey has been color tested and is Homozygous

for black and agouti and carries one cream gene.

Lacey's sire is a 1996 bay pinto son of HFC Husselers Star. His 1/2 brother

is Glenns General Patton and he is a full brother to two time World 

Champion Glenns Comanche. Lacey's dam is a beautiful buckskin, 30.75"

mare whose sire is AMHA/AMHR Champion Lowery's Top Man's De No Mite 

. He was only 27.5" tall and won numerous Grand and Reserve Grand 

Champion awards, including 1996 District II Senior Stallion Champion. 

 Top Man's De No Mite is the grandson of Dell Tera's Moon Man, son of Stout's 

Mr. Pride.  

Lacey's paternal sister, Little Big Hornes Magical Design. She is owned by 

Haven Croft Miniatures and is a successful show horse.

 Lacey's foals

 Lettie (2012 filly)


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