San Juan Miniature Horses
HMM Destiny's Limited Edition
HMM Destiny's Limited Edition
2009 AMHA A193126,AMHR 298004T, 31.5" registered black and white
Tobiano. He has a killer pedigree as well as the most beautiful blue eyes!!!
We will be breeding Edition to a couple outside mares as well as a few of
our own for 2013 foals. (more pictures of Edition coming this spring)
Edition is Ee, carries one Tobiano gene and a SW1 (splash white) gene too.
Here he is as a two year old. Pedigree and other information down below.

Needs to lose some weight!!!! Straight out of the field, no conditioning and
he hasn't been clipped or bathed. Not great pictures. He is a lot nicer then
these pictures show.

Stud fee: $250.00 LFG ($100 booking fee included)
Discounts for multiple mares
Mare care: $1.50 per day dry / $2.50 per day wet.
Live cover & Hand breeding only. This price is temporary until he has foals on the ground
then the price will go up.

"Edition" is a 2009 AMHA A 193126, AMHR 298004T & DNA'd
Sire: Running Creeks Destiny's Buckaroo

Dam: Twisted Pines Rowdy Girl

Edition is a Smokey black pinto colt with beautiful blue eyes! He is a very
leggy, refined, perfect bite and straight. He carries multiple pinto
patterns, Tabiono, Splash, and Sabino. He has four crosses to Boones Little
Buckeroo and seven to Gold Melody Boy! He has Johnstons Gold Bar, Orion
Light, King Supreme and Double O Seven And A Half Moto bloodlines too.
Edition is also a great grandson of Alvaders Double Desiny.
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