San Juan Miniature Horses
Bondes Bouncin B Lady Buffy Jo
Buffy foaled a palomino filly with a blaze and two blue eyes. We will be color
testing her shortly to make certain as Sundance is throwing some interesting things.

"Buffy" is a 2006, AMHA A 170764, AMHR 272590T, 33.5" mare.
Sire: Dagnillos Zorro-(Tovero stallion)

Dam: Ramakers My Fair Lady

Buffy is a silver dapple mare with one total blue eye, one partial blue eye and
is a very flashy, leggy mare. She has been color tested and is nSb1, Ee and nZ . She
has been shown and has placed consistently. Buffy has Gold Melody Boy & Dell Teras
Moon Man in her pedigree. Buffy has been DNA'd and is also LWO negative. We purchased
Buffy from Bonde's Bouncin B Acres and wish to thank them for allowing us to!
Buffy's Foals
So far Buffy has produced fillies and they carry her blaze and blue eye!!

2010 filly "Zigzag"

2011 filly "Blitz"

2012 Filly "Banner"
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